Ice Cream Cone Costume

How to Make an Ice Cream Cone Costume

When you think of a home-made costume on the occasion of Halloween for the children, you can make them look sweeter and cute with a personalized touch. Here is an easy way to make an ice-cream like attire for the child.

Ice Cream Cone Costume
How to Make an Ice Cream Cone Costume

Ice crème is all time favourite among kids and children and so when you ask them to dress like an ice cream this Halloween or in costume party then we are pretty confident that they are going to love your idea and help you in getting the Ice Cream Cone Costume ready for them.

Steps to Follow for making of the Ice Cream Cone Costume

Well, the fact is that it’s not that difficult to make an Ice Cream Cone Costume for your kid. All that is needed a creative mind and the urge to make something unique and good for your kid who can make them happy and satisfied. Go through the following steps, it is easy.

  • You need to create the structure of the cone, so use a laundry basket to serve the purpose. Cut off the base so that it can be used as a wearing accessory.
  • You need to cut newspaper and brown bags into strips measuring 4” x 4”. There are different layers, and you need to use two different types of colours for the process. Take a beach ball and wrap it up with plastic. The paste will be kept off the ball by this process and it will remain safe. There have to be as many as two or three layers of plastic wrappings. The point where the where the ball meets the basket is circled with a marker pen.
  • You need to prepare the paper Mache paste by pouring glue and water in the ratio 4:1. Stir it well and apply it on the newspaper or the brown paper strips. After brushing both the sides of the sheets, place the balls.
  • You need to prepare layer after layer using the newspaper and the brown paper.
  • Continue the process till the top half of the ball is covered up with six paper layers and for the last layer, use coffee filters instead of paper.
  • Now you need to remove the ball mould and apply the paint. Let it dry for a while.
  • Now determine the size of the neck hole and cut it off.
  • After the neck hole, you have to cut open the arm holes. Make the shoulder straps and prepare to wear it.
  • Cover up the bottom of the scoop after you sprinkle the pink pong balls of various colours on it.

The attire is finally ready for the kid. We are confident that you will find the concept of making Ice Cream Cone Costume a really fun loving activity for you. You need to get the materials ready for you in one place and then just follow the above steps and your beautiful Ice Cream Cone Costume will be ready.

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